Meeting schedule and link to minutes
Information meeting for Pic du Midi mediators, December 2, 2024 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Véronique Pont | OMP – Laéro | aérosols (cf GES) | visio | 9h30-9h45 |
François Gheusi | OMP – Laéro – P2OA | GES – radon | Tarbes | 9h50-10h05 |
Serge Soula | OMP – Laéro | Phénomènes lumineux transitoires (cf GES) | visio | 10h10-10h25 |
Simon Gascoin | OMP – CESBIO | températures de surface sol | visio | 10h30-10h45 |
Nicolas Drougard | ISAE | Collecte de données sur la croissance des plantes dans un système hydroponique | visio | 10h50-11h05 |
Arturo Lopez Ariste | OMP – IRAP | TBL Vision – CORO C3 | Tarbes | 11h30-11h45 |
Jean-Baptiste Daban | OMP | Coupole Vénus-Dauzère | Tarbes | 11h50-12h05 |
Frédéric Pitout | OMP – IRAP | CLIMSO – Service édu | visio | 12h10-12h25 |
pause midi | ||||
Philippe Fontanilles | Parc National Pyrénées | Niverolles | Tarbes | 13h30-13h45 |
Sarah Abellan | Régie Pic du Midi | UNESCO et jardin botanique | Tarbes | 13h50-14h05 |
Sylvain Rondi | Rectorat -IA65 | projets scolaires | Tarbes | 14h10-14h25 |
JC Sanchez | UT2 – Rectorat | Conférence Lyot | Tarbes | 14h30-14h45 |
Emilien Bernard | Instant sciences | EG Box Nuit | Tarbes | 15h |
Pic du Midi users’ committee meeting in Tarbes April 7, 2023 9am-12pm
Latest news from…
– La Régie (D Soucaze des Soucaze)
– Batiment Dauzère (L Guesdon) Projet UNESCO (R Cabanac/D Soucaze des Soucaze)
présentation Dauzère-UNESCO
– T1M (F Colas/A Klotz/equipe T1M2025)
– T50 (A Leroy/R. Cabanac/M Rieutord)
– P2OA (F. Gheusi et al.)
– microplastiques (J. Sonke)
– TBL (direction TBL)
– Coro (F Vaissière/F Pitout/equipe C3)
– Service educatif (O Espagnet)
Pic du Midi Annual General Meeting in Tarbes April 8, 2022, 10am-12pm
the link below is a pdf file of the presentations.
Training day of docents : 26 novembre 2021
programme :
- 9h30 Welcome : Rémi Cabanac (OMP)
- 10h-10h15 : Teleconf from Tasmania: Bonner Sphere Spectrograph, Guillaume Hubert (ONERA)
- 10h20-10h35: TBL: Neo-Narval, SPIP, VISION (Arturo + …, IRAP OMP)
- 10h40-10h50: Coronagraph C3 (Arturo/F Pitout, IRAP OMP)
- 11h55-11h10: T1M: Science et telescope refurbishing (François Colas IMCCE OPM)
- 11h15-11h30: P2OA: Atmospheric sciences at Pic (François Gheusi/Rémi OMP)
- Pause coffee 15 min
- 12h00-12h15: activities of SETE team at Pic (Constant Perry, SETE)
- Activities of small domes et experiments at the summit
- Lunch
- 14h00: T1M et New building Dauzère (Rémi)
- 14h15: Results E-Peron
- Sismology of the Pyrenees: Jean Letort (OMP)
- 14h30: FRIPPON (François Colas, IMCCE OPM)
15h00: News of the Régie, House of the night, and project Laquets