Research fields: Atmospheric physics, dynamics and chemistry; Biogeochemical cycles; Greenhouse gases.


The ICOS European research infrastructure aims to deploy high-precision monitoring networks for greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations and fluxes in Europe and adjacent regions, in atmospheric, biospheric and oceanic reservoirs. The infrastructure is based on thematic centers (data processing, technical support & technology watch, preparation of calibration gases), and national networks complying with specifications defined by the project to ensure standardization of measurement, AQ/QC and data analysis protocols. LSCE is responsible for the Atmospheric Thematic Center (ATC), and for the SNO-ICOS-France national atmospheric observation network. This national network is based on the SO-RAMCES observation service, accredited by INSU since 1992.

Installation method and operation

Air samples have been collected at the summit of the Pic du Midi once a week since 2001. The 1Lt glass ampoules are then analyzed at LSCE to determine atmospheric concentrations of CO2, CH4, N2O, SF6, CO, H2 and stable isotopes (13C, 18O) of CO2. Since May 2014, a laser diode analyzer has enabled continuous measurement of CO2, CH4, CO and H2O concentrations. Measurements are calibrated every 2-3 weeks with four standard gases referenced in the international WMO/GAW scales. Two additional standard gases are used for measurement quality control. This installation meets the specifications laid down by ICOS.

Expected results

Long-term monitoring of greenhouse gases, as part of the ICOS European research infrastructure, with the aim of quantifying the regional distribution of sources and sinks of these gases in Europe.

Laboratories and partners involved

  • Laboratory for Climate and Environmental Sciences (LSCE)
  • UMR CEA/CNRS/UVSQ, Gif-sur-Yvette
  • Aerology Laboratory, Toulouse
